The Blog

The Blog: October 2019

In theory we are in the middle of the rainy season but so far it has been  raining fairly mildly compared to other years. In other parts of the country people suffer of drought and its consequences but in the Boca Costa, the area, where we are located, the rains have been pretty normal and luckily we have not experienced  any terrible tropical storms. Several days it rained hard and lahares came down on the slopes of Fuego filling the riverbeds with lava and the roads were not passable. 

Memorias del 03 de Junio, 2018

On June 3rd , 2019 a big crowd consisting of family, friends, representatives of different private and governmental organizations, firemen, churches, the Escuintla governor and mayor, radio and tv stations and many more met in San Miguel Los Lotes in memory of the volcano disaster one year ago.

The Blog: June 2019

The rains have started early this year, which we suspected would happen as nature’ s signs pointed towards this and that means of course that the rivers will grow fast and unpredictable, more so this year with the many daily eruptions of the volcano, where now  huge amounts of volcanic sand and ash rest on the slopes...

The Blog: March 2019

The Vamos Adelante team is right now preparing to hand out the second schoolbag of the year, which includes more notebooks, pencils, crayons, markers, glue and other handicraft materials the students always seem to need!