Donate with PayPal
*please leave us a note on your PayPal donation to let us know how you’d like your donation spent


Vamos Adelante always welcomes financial support and other donations via PayPal (with debit or credit card) and personal checks from U.S. banks (see address below). One-time donations as well as monthly and annual sponsorship commitments are welcome. Please check out the opportunities listed below to learn how to support families in the Escuintla Department through Vamos Adelante.

Vamos Adelante has few overhead costs so your entire donation goes to help those less fortunate in Guatemala. A few dollars can be a substantial donation to help poor families, as the standard of living in Guatemala is lower than it is in the developed world. Vamos Adelante maintains minimal administration costs and values personal contact with donors. For this reason, this website and blog are the central source of information and updates. Regular reports on individually-sponsored children, families and projects are compiled by volunteers and sent separately to each donor.

If you would like to assist with a particular project, please include a note indicating your preference. Please also include your e-mail address as donations will be acknowledged by email. Your cancelled check or copy of your check should be kept for your tax records.

Checks should be sent to:
Vamos Adelante
41W655 Main Street Road
Elburn, IL 60119