Computer School

In November 2002, Vamos Adelante established Informatica Amigos (formerly Proyecto 4’4), a computer school for disabled students in Guatemala City (Zone 6). Each year, 30-40 students, since a few years back  around 17-20 special students ( due to the difficulties traveling to the school the numbers have reduced) take courses on IT skills, basic literacy and numeracy. Informatica Amigos tries to prepare its students for a successful career and has already placed some of them in permanent jobs in the city. It also offers a wide range of related activities for the disabled community, including motivational training, painting, singing ,dance classes, workshops focused on self- sustainability.

The director of Informatica Amigos, Amarilis, is severely disabled herself. She now runs the computer school independent of Vamos Adelante. She and her students work together to seek funding for their school by submitting proposals via the computer and Internet.

Cerebral Palsy Support Group

Mario is a student at Informatica Amigos who has formed a cerebral palsy group. He attended university courses online and coordinates the group’s activities, which include computer lessons, dancing, and other social activities. This group has attracted many students to Informatica Amigos and inspired everyone involved. Joining Mario and others gives many Guatemalans who have cerebral palsy a reason to get out of their homes, to learn and to be a part of something meaningful. They have developed visions for their own lives and grasped opportunities they never dreamed they would have.

Academic Scholarships

Vamos Adelante finances scholarships for several Informatica Amigos students. The support from Vamos Adelante has enabled many to obtain an education they otherwise could not have afforded.

Wheelchair Distribution

Through its school, Vamos Adelante has established a large, informal network of disability projects throughout Guatemala, and coordinates the distribution of wheelchairs to poor people around the country. In 2004, the foundation passed out more than 300 free wheelchairs. We have also helped to provide prosthetics to individuals who before couldn’t afford them.

In July 2004, Vamos Adelante distributed more than 144 free wheelchairs at a special event in Guatemala’s capitol city. After spending months on the identification of needy individuals, we coordinated a get-together for all recipients in the presence of Wendy Berger, Guatemala’s first lady, and our friends at the Wheelchair Foundation, American Airlines’ Airline Ambassadors, and the local rotary club. Participants traveled to the event from dozens of regions across the country. Some were carried by their families or pushed in wheelbarrows for part of the journey.

When available Vamos Adelante continues to supply wheelchairs to families and children throughout Guatemala.