Vamos Adelante has recruited and trained a group of health care promotoras from the various villages in which we work. These women walk, on average, 4 to 8 miles per day carrying medications and nutritional supplements on their backs and offer counsel to about 300 families each. These women are the means by which Vamos Adelante works.

Education and Home Visits

All promoters conduct weekly informational sessions on topics including nutrition and how to prepare healthy meals with limited resources, common childhood illnesses, dental care and general hygiene, how to avoid parasites, and the importance of education in general. Family planning education and services are also provided . The promoters also do spot checks and sometimes reward adherence to basic hygiene with a t-shirt or other piece of clothing. The health care promotoras distribute donated clothing, vitamins, blankets, basic kitchen equipment and food to the most needy, particularly malnourished children and seniors. At weekly group meetings, they report back to the Vamos Adelante team about the most pressing needs, helping us tune into new developments or opportunities.

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